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Unapologetically Female with Melissa Gutierrez

“If I feel like expressing myself in what society says is “unladylike” I will.” @fueledbymel

It’s such a rewarding experience catching up with past college mates killin it in their career! This weeks superwoman is long time friend Melissa, who currently resides in the Los Angeles area. Cheers to such an unapologetic female!

1.What does women empowerment mean to you?

Women empowerment means to me... being unapologetically ourselves. From a young age and for generations- we’ve been taught to fit these social constructs ranging from what women should act like to what we should look like and many others. Empowerment to me is being who I want to be, dressing how I please and behaving however I feel like. If I want to wear a pantsuit (or a dress) to an event, better believe I would- If I feel like expressing myself in what society says is “unladylike” I will. It’s 2017, I will be me and unapologetic about it.

2. How do you define sisterhood?

As the oldest sister of 3, sisterhood means everything to me. Sisterhood is respect. Sisterhood is giving the chance to your fellow sister-who ever they are. Sisterhood is from the heart. Although we won’t always 100% get along with everyone we meet on this journey we call life, everyone should get that chance. Sisterhood is empowering our sisters, supporting them every step along the way and giving them that love & light. Sisterhood is pushing your sister, bringing her for the ride- no sister gets left behind.

3. What advice do you give to women younger than you?

To women younger than me, my favorite piece of advice is- take things a day at a time. I think we truly forget to hit pause and enjoy our surroundings, actively listen to our friends and family and even breathe. Take that time to breathe and truly take in life’s moments because they fly by..

4. What do you do for a living? Did you always know you'd be in this position or did you have alternative future plans at another point in your life? If so when and what made that change?

I’m an assistant coordinator for a non-profit- we job develop, place and assist adults with disabilities in the competitive job market. Since I was a child, I knew I had a heavy amount of empathy and I needed to channel it through action. I always knew I would be helping out the community in some form. As I grew more comfortable in my own skin, I learned a lot more about myself and knew that I wanted to go into the mental health field. I’m currently working towards an MS in Counseling Psychology with a certification to work with the spanish speaking community. It’s my way of giving back to my community in a my own way.

5. Being in the year 2017, what challenges do you face as a woman?

Too many. I can think of too many that shouldn't exist in 2017 but I’ll give you a few. Gender pay gap is one challenge I’ve faced, I was even actually offered a dollar less than the person who had my position previous to me but I stood my ground. Microaggression from strangers, asking me how I could be a latina if I’m so “white” or how when I was growing up, someone asked my beautiful brown mother if she was my nanny.

Sexual harassment, from just walking down the street in baggy clothes and being cat called to actually being grabbed without my consent in San Luis Obispo- we face these unfair and uncomfortable hardships everyday. There have been many challenges I’ve faced as a woman- but I’m here and I stand proud and tall that I have been able to overcome.

6. Who inspires your success and why?

My abuela. My grandma Josefina raised all 10 of her children on her own after she became a widow. She worked several jobs- she was a janitor at a daycare, selling food, a laundress and other jobs all to maintain her home afloat. She sent most of them to school to become professionals; teachers, principals, educators, business owners, etc. If my grandma could overcome all these challenges, with her blood running through these veins I could also persist and succeed. I will always be thankful for my abuela, for l uchando (Fighting) for their life.

7. What keeps you motivated throughout life's challenges?

My favorite women in my life, my mom & little sisters Dulce & Toni Marie. I’m not perfect and sometimes motivation is hard to have when you’re a busy woman but with a simple phone call, my mom is cheering me on and letting me know I can do it. Dulce tells me how it is and always keeps me grounded and in the moment & lastly Toni Marie who is 5, reminds me to be positive and free-spirited.

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