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Business Is Booming For Ashanti Brigham

Too often in the business world do we hear about successful men. The business and entrepreneurial space is one easily dominated by men, and while we respect our gender counterparts, we also love a story about a win for the gals.

Ashanti Brigham is letting us all know why women in the business industry is so important. It brings us that much closer to bridging the gender wage gap that we fear will be lost in the shuffle of other issues at hand. But the gender wage gap is our fight.

So how is Ashanti spreading women's empowerment? Well she's started her own business, and we've gotta say it's a fly as hell business.

Ashanti's beauty business is all about feeling divine, and we couldn't agree more. They say that to feel good sometimes you need to look good. And we think there's definitely some truth to that. We caught up with our girl and asked her the questions sure to inspire any woman looking to get her hand in on the world of business.

1. What does sisterhood mean to you?

Sisterhood to me means a bond you have that cannot be broken no matter the circumstances, differences or distance. It is a relationship filled with love, loyalty and equity.

2. How do you feel about the gender wage gap?

In this day and age it's almost ridiculous. Women should not have to work twice as hard as men simply for being women, but I can say it does also give us the extra push to be even more successful.

3. Who/what inspires you?

The top person I can say inspires me is no one other than my mother. I've seen her do it all and on her own. With that being said it makes me want to work even harder to show her the woman she raised me to be, and I know she will be very proud.

4. What are your plans for the future?

My plans for the future is to expand my business "Rich Divine Beauty" worldwide and make each and every woman who wears our luxurious hair extensions and mink eyelash extensions feel beautiful whenever she steps out. Not only feeling rich in her looks but divine in her heart.

5. What does women's empowerment mean to you?

Woman empowerment means none other than us as women standing together as one and uplifting each other to our highest potential. Showing each other that we can be a stronger force together than apart.

We want you to check out Ashanti and send her a follow and get your glow up with Rich Divine! She may be the next big mogul comin at you worldwide! IG: @aceofashanti

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